A picture of my scooters.

Next is my 1963 Super Silver Eagle with two speeds and the OMC engine with 9 hp.
My 1972 Vespa Ralley 180 with four speeds and 8.9 hp.
1963 Cushman Highlander, model 721. It has been restored with yellow and charcoal paint, and a 5 hp Cushman Husky engine from a '57 Pacemaker. It's a fun scooter.
1974 Vespa 90 with three speeds and almost 4 horsepower.
1947 Cushman model 52 restored in 1995. My first scooter.
In the background is a 1966 Benelli with a 4 speed foot shift. Total miles about 55, but it only had three miles on it when I got it.
Not Pictured. 1953 Cushman Allstate DeLuxe model 811.40 with 4 hp (I'll post a picture of this one later.) I also have a couple of Honda Expresses and an engineless 1957 Cushman RoadKing.
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