
Sunday, February 27, 2005

windy place

I went down to my son's house today to take him a load of firewood. He has about 10 acres about 40 miles to the south. He lives in the middle of several hundred acres of open meadowland that lies right next to a steep mountain ridge. All the way down there, I didn't notice any wind, but about a quarter of a mile from his house, I saw leaves blowing across the road. By the time I pulled into the drive, it was blowing about 20 miles per hour with gusts over 30.

I think the reason for all of that wind is the ridge. It rises up at least a couple of thousand feet and forms a sort of dam that causes the prevailing westerlies to turn north. It is always windy there.

After we unloaded the wood, we went into the house and while we were sitting there, I thought I heard a low flying jet go over the house. You guessed it. It was a gust of wind.

They never have any problem with mosquitoes. The wind blows them away.


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