Tuesday, April 14, 2009

two Allstates

two Allstates
Originally uploaded by Howard33
The red Allstates were made by Cushman. The scooter in the upper right corner is a Lambretta, made in Italy.


  1. I know a guy who is selling his old collection of Cushmans here in Ohio. I bought a few Vespas and a Ducati Brio scooter off of him for dirt cheap. If you have any leads on Vespas, Lambrettas, or any old scooters rebadged but made by Vespa or Lambretta let me know. I'm always looking for good trades or swapping of good leads. Thanks!


  2. The Cushman's you have restored are simply beautiful!

    I am trying to purchase a model 53 Airborne to show at WWII Military events, do you know any one who may be interested in selling one?

    Thank you for any possible help and for sharing your passion!


