Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Got another scooter

November 14 will be a date to remember. Yesterday I got my last scooter. I know it will be my last because my wife said so. She has assured me that I will be committed to the funny farm if I buy another one. What would you do?

So here it is. My initial research indicates that it is a 1951 Cushman Highlander model 711. There are lots of parts on it that are not correct, but it makes such a neat package, I like it the way it is. For example, the exhaust, the seat with those big springs, and the engine all belong on a Cushman Eagle. The engine is a 4.8 horsepower Husky with a 2 5/8 bore. The number on the engine tag indicates that it was used on a 1957 Eagle, so the engine is newer and more powerful than the 3.2 hp engine that originally powered it. The top of the front fork has been altered to use a chrome handlebar from -- you guessed -- an Eagle. I don't know where that throttle control came from.