Saturday, August 06, 2005

The song of the chainsaw.

Well, we had a couple of strong storms last night. There was a lot of wind, rain, lightning, thunder and flying tree parts. One tree blocked the road just down the hill from our house. This morning we can hear chainsaws singing. We had a lot of tree tops in the yard, some of them up to six inches in diameter on the big end, and limbs and twigs were all over the place. Truck loads of them. There was a little minor washing on the lower end of the garden, but no real damage there.

My scooters were safe. Two were in the garage and all of the others were in the shop. Nothing big hit the truck or my scooter trailer which were parked in the open. I guess we were lucky, but I won't be sure until I find out how my back holds up. I have a lot of bending and lifting to do.

The last time we saw a storm like that was at a scooter meet. We were camped in a tent and the wind hit 60 miles-per-hour. It was over 50 for about an hour and the lower side of the meet site flooded. We have camped a lot over the years, so I had the tent pitched right so it flapped a lot, but didn't blow down. We slept dry.

Well, it's time to get my own chainsaw out. I need the exercise.

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